
NMIA Secures ECC

8 July 2019

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has issued an environmental compliance certificate (ECC) to San Miguel Corporation (SMC) subsidiary that will reclaim land for the construction of international airport in Bulacan province.

Lormelyn Claudio, DENR director in Central Luzon, said she approved on June 14 the ECC of Silvertides Holdings, a contractor of San Miguel Corp. (SMC), to develop 2,070 hectares in the coastal villages of Bambang and Taliptip in Bulakan where the new international airport is to be constructed.

An ECC is issued to certify that a proposed project will not cause a significant negative environmental impact, as validated by DENR’s environmental impact assessment review committee.

The environmental impact assessment was conducted by Philkairos Inc.

Philkairos said the 24.5-hectare mangrove area in Taliptio and Bambang will be left undisturbed when the international airport project starts construction as the airport complex is envisioned to be an island airport surrounded by water accessible only by a causeway for both rail and motor traffic.

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